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East Grand Rapids Public Schools is organized under six categories, all with the focus of providing the best education for the students of East Grand Rapids Public Schools. Click on a category to learn more. 

District Administrators

Heidi S. Kattula, Ed.D.
Dr. Kattula in front of a blue and green wall

Dr. Heidi Kattula joined East Grand Rapids Public Schools as Superintendent in 2018. Prior to her current position, Dr. Kattula worked as Executive Director of District and School Services for Oakland Intermediate School District, an educational service agency that provides instructional support and services for 28 school districts in Oakland County. Dr. Kattula has also worked as a central office administrator; elementary, middle, and high school principal; secondary mathematics and computer science teacher; and varsity coach for numerous sports. As Superintendent, Dr. Kattula works in collaboration with the Board of Education and administrative staff to establish the goals and priorities for the district. Dr. Kattula is a graduate of the University of Michigan, Northern Michigan University, and Wayne State University. She holds a doctorate degree in educational leadership and policy studies with a cognate in evaluation and research.

Anthony W. Morey
Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations
Anthony Morey in front of a green and blue wall

Anthony Morey joined East Grand Rapids Public Schools in 2001 as a middle school social studies teacher. After nine years as a middle school teacher, Mr. Morey served as the middle school assistant principal for one year before assuming the principalship of Wealthy Elementary School in 2011. After five years as an elementary principal, Mr. Morey returned to the middle school as the building principal in 2016. In 2019, Mr. Morey transitioned into the role of Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations. As Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations, Mr. Morey leads the district in all budget, accounting, payroll, auditing, facility, purchasing, and collective bargaining matters and related areas. He has served as a member of the EGRPS Negotiations Team since 2010 and as co-chair of the Safety and Security Team since 2012. Mr. Morey is a graduate of Western Michigan University and Grand Valley State University. He holds a master’s degree in educational leadership. 

Carlye Allen
Director of Teaching and Learning 6-12
Carlye Allen in front of a blue and green background.

Carlye Allen began teaching for East Grand Rapids Public Schools in 2005 as an elementary resource room teacher. During her eleven years of teaching, Mrs. Allen taught in all five buildings within the district and worked with students in grades kindergarten through eleventh grade. She has also served as the district Reading Growth Plan Coordinator. In 2016, she served as the principal at Wealthy Elementary for seven years. Beginning in 2023, she transitioned into her current role as a Director of Teaching and Learning. In this position, she leads district educators in curriculum development and review, develops professional learning, and provides instructional support at the secondary level. Mrs. Allen is a graduate of Michigan State University with a major in special education - learning disabilities and a graduate of Grand Valley State University with a master's degree in special education administration. 

Jason R. Hoogenstyn
Director of Teaching and Learning PK-5
Jason Hoogenstyn standing in front of a green and navy background

Jason Hoogenstyn joined East Grand Rapids Public Schools during the summer of 2023. In 2004, Mr. Hoogenstyn began his teaching career as a teacher for students with special needs in Grand Rapids Public Schools. After completing his master's degree at Cornerstone University in 2009, he moved to Northview Public Schools where he spent 10 years as a teacher for students with emotional impairments. From 2011 to 2018, Mr. Hoogenstyn served as an adjunct professor in the College of Education at Grand Valley State University. In 2018, he made the transition from teacher to principal at North Oakview Elementary School in Northview Public Schools. He holds a master's degree in the art of education, is a certified elementary administrator, and holds a special education administration degree.

Caroline Breault-Cannon, Ph.D. 
Director of Student Services
Dr. Caroline Breault-Cannon in front of a blue and green wall

Dr. Caroline Breault-Cannon has worked in East Grand Rapids Public Schools since 1994 in various roles. Prior to her current position as the Director of Student Services, Dr. Cannon was a special education teacher and transition coordinator at East Grand Rapids High School for over fourteen years and then became the district’s intervention specialist and cadet teacher supervisor. In 2010, Dr. Cannon became the principal of Breton Downs Elementary and served as the district’s Section 504 Coordinator. As the Director of Student Services, Dr. Cannon oversees special education, English Language Learners, the EGRPS Multi-Tiered System of Supports, Social Emotional Learning, and Section 504s. Dr. Cannon received her special education teaching certificate from Hope College, a master’s degree from Michigan State University and a doctorate of educational leadership K-12 from Western Michigan University.