Transparency Reporting
- Board Approved Budget
- Personnel Expenditures
- Operating Expenditures
- Current Bargaining Agreements
- District Sponsored Healthcare Plans
- Audited Financial Statements
- Employee Health Benefit Bids
- Procurement and Expense Reimbursement Policies
- Accounts Payable Detail Reports
- Employee Compensation Information
- District-Paid Association Dues
- District-Paid Lobbying Costs
- Approved Deficit Elimination Plan
- District Credit Card Information
- District-Paid Out-of-State Travel
- Educator Evaluation Postings and Assurances (Public Act 173)
- School Performance
- District Preparedness Plan (Executive Order 2020-142)
- Extended Continuity of Learning Plan (Public Act 149 Section 98A)
- Goal Reporting (Public Act 48 Section 98b)
- Other Federal Grant Requirements
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Board Approved Budget
Personnel Expenditures
Operating Expenditures
Current Bargaining Agreements
District Sponsored Healthcare Plans
ABC Plan 1 with 0% co-insurance
ABC Plan 1 with 10% co-insurance
ABC Plan 2 with 10% co-insurance
ABC Plan 1 with mandatory mail RX
West Michigan Health Insurance Pool (WMHIP)
Priority Health POS High Deductible
Priority Health POS Low Deductible
Dental Plan - Teachers
Dental Plan - Support Staff
Dental Plan - Administrators and Non-Bargaining
Other Insurance
Audited Financial Statements
Employee Health Benefit Bids
Procurement and Expense Reimbursement Policies
Accounts Payable Detail Reports
2020-2021 | 2021-2022 | 2022-2023 | 2023-2024 | 2024-2025 |
July | July | July | July | July |
August | August | August | August | August |
September | September | September | September | September |
October | October | October | October | October |
November | November | November | November | November |
December | December | December | December | December |
January | January | January | January | January |
February | February | February | February | February |
March | March | March | March | March |
April | April | April | April | April |
May | May | May | May | May |
June | June | June | June | June |
Employee Compensation Information
District-Paid Association Dues
District-Paid Lobbying Costs
Approved Deficit Elimination Plan
District Credit Card Information
District-Paid Out-of-State Travel
Educator Evaluation Postings and Assurances (Public Act 173)
School Performance
For further information regarding school performance indicators, such as graduation and dropout rates, average class size, college readiness, and standardized assessment scores, please visit MCL 388.1622f(1)(e)
District Preparedness Plan (Executive Order 2020-142)
Extended Continuity of Learning Plan (Public Act 149 Section 98A)
Return to Learn and Continuity of Services Plan Presentation
Extended Continuity of Learning Plan - Board of Education Approval
Fall ECOL Status of Learning Goals
Winter ECOL Progress Toward Learning Goals
Spring ECOL Final Report on Learning Goals
October ECOL Reconfirmation and Weekly Interaction Rates
November ECOL Reconfirmation and Weekly Interaction Rates
December ECOL Reconfirmation and Weekly Interaction Rates
January ECOL Reconfirmation and Weekly Interaction Rates
February ECOL Reconfirmation and Weekly Interaction Rates
March ECOL Reconfirmation and Weekly Interaction Rates
April ECOL Reconfirmation and Weekly Interaction Rates
Goal Reporting (Public Act 48 Section 98b)
Other Federal Grant Requirements
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
As a public institution in the state of Michigan, East Grand Rapids Public Schools is subject to provisions of the state's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Under the FOIA, "all persons, except those persons incarcerated in state or local correctional facilities, are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts of those who represent them as public officials and public employees...." Consequently, any individual other than a federal, state, or county prisoner has the right to inspect and/or receive copies of public records maintained by the District.
- What is a Public Record?
- How do I file a FOIA request with the District?
- Can some records be withheld?
- How much time does the District have to respond?
- What are the associated fees?
- Can I inspect a public record in person?
- Is a FOIA the same as an Academic Transcript request?
What is a Public Record?
The FOIA defines a public record as a "writing prepared, owned, used, in the possession of, or retained by a public body in the performance of an official function, from the time it is created."
The law defines a "writing" as "handwriting, typewriting, printing, photostatting, photographing, photocopying, and every other means of recording, and includes letters, words, pictures, sounds, or symbols, or combinations thereof, and papers, maps, magnetic or paper tapes, photographic films or prints, microfilm, microfiche, magnetic or punched cards, discs, drums, or other means of recording or retaining meaningful content." E-mail messages are considered public records under the FOIA if they deal with official District business. A person's correspondence requesting information under the FOIA is also considered a public Record. However, the law specifically excludes computer software from the definition of public record.
Please note that the District is not required to make a compilation, summary or report of information, or to create a new public record.
How do I file a FOIA request with the District?
The Superintendent or designee is the Freedom of Information Coordinator at East Grand Rapids Public Schools, and his/her office is responsible for handling FOIA requests. Written FOIA requests should be sent to the attention of Superintendent of Schools, East Grand Rapids Public Schools, 2915 Hall Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506. Requests can also be faxed to the office at (616) 235-6730.
The District has prepared a FOIA Request Form, which is available through the superintendent’s office and may be used to submit requests. If that form is not used, the following is recommended when making a request:
- Please specify with as much detail as possible the records you wish to inspect and/or receive copies of. For example, if applicable, please include the time period involved and the department where the documents may be located, if you know it.
- Please include your mailing address and daytime phone number, as well as an e-mail address and fax number, if applicable.
Can some records be withheld?
The law recognizes that, in some instances, the public interest may be better served by not disclosing information. FOIA, therefore, makes certain public records exempt from disclosure, for reasons ranging from matters of privacy to confidential research-related information. One exemption that applies uniquely to schools prohibits East Grand Rapids Public Schools from disclosing student records protected under the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
At East Grand Rapids Public Schools, the decision whether material should be withheld is made by the Superintendent or designee, if necessary after consultation with other appropriate offices. The Superintendent or designee has the authority to deny a FOIA request.
How much time does the District have to respond?
The District has five (5) business days after receiving a written request to respond, although the response period can be extended by the FOIA Coordinator for up to an additional ten (10) business days. Day 1 of the response period is considered to be the next business day following receipt of the written request. Email is considered “received” one business day after it was sent. If, however, the request is electronically transmitted and delivered to a spam or junk mail folder, the request will be deemed received one (1) day after the District becomes aware of it. Sometimes requests involve voluminous documents spread over several departments. In those cases, full compliance with the request may take longer than fifteen (15) business days.
The FOIA Coordinator can either grant a request; deny it in full or in part, citing one or more exemptions; or certify that the requested document(s) doesn’t exist.
What are the associated fees?
The District may charge a fee for the search, review, separation of exempt from non-exempt information, copying and mailing of documents. Upon receipt of the request, if a fee is to be assessed, the requester will be provided a detailed itemization of fees that will list and explain the allowable charges that compose the total fee and the District will ask whether he/she wants to proceed. In calculating the cost of labor incurred, the District can charge the hourly wage, plus fringe benefit costs, of the lowest paid employee capable of performing the task. The labor costs are estimated and charged in increments of fifteen (15) minutes, with all partial increments rounded down. If the District does not employ someone capable of determining what information should be released, the district may contract the work to an outside person or organization. In such instances, the requester will be notified of the name of the contracted person/firm on the detailed itemization of fees. The cost of contracted services cannot exceed six times the minimum wage.
In addition, the requester may be charged the actual cost of any non-paper physical media (e.g., computer disks, tapes, etc.) or paper requests. The maximum charge per piece of letter/legal sized paper is .10 (10 cents), as well as the actual cost of mailing the request.
If the information that is requested is available online, the District will notify the requester of such, including the specific webpage location where the information can be found. Online availability will be noted separately on the fee summary. If the requester still requests paper copies, he/she may be charged an additional fee and will be notified of the amount in the itemized fee summary.
Upon determination and disclosure of the fee, if the estimate exceeds $50.00, the FOIA enables the District to require a good faith deposit of up to half of the estimate before beginning the search for documents.
The first $20.00 of the fee must be waived for a person who is on welfare or presents facts showing inability to pay because of indigency. Even in such cases, however, the district may still charge a fee if the person has already received discounted copies from the District twice during the calendar year or if the request is made on behalf of an outside party who is offering payment. The first $20.00 of the fee will also be waived for a non-profit organization designated by the State to carry out certain activities related to persons with disabilities.
East Grand Rapids Public Schools charges the following fees:
a. Manual searching for or reviewing of records -- As of July 1, 2015, the hourly rate for a staff member capable of searching locating, examining, and separating/deleting exempt information from non-exempt information public records for disclosure is a minimum of $20.72 per hour, plus fringe benefit costs of $10.36 per hour. Labor costs estimated and charged will be in increments of fifteen (15) minutes and all partial increments will be rounded down.
b. Computer searching and printing -- the actual cost of operating the computer plus charges for the time spent by the operator, at the rates given in paragraph (a) of this section.
c. Contracted Services -- If there is no employee capable of separating/deleting exempt information, as determined by the FOIA Coordinator, the District may utilize a contracted individual/firm. The name of the individual/firm will be included on the detailed itemization of fees. The total amount charged shall not exceed six times the state minimum wage.
d. Photocopying standard size pages -- $0.10 per page. FOIA Officers may charge lower fees for particular documents where --
1. The document has already been printed in large numbers,
2. The program office determines that using existing stock to answer this request, and any other anticipated FOIA requests, will not interfere with program requirements, and
3. The FOIA Officer determines that the lower fee is adequate to recover the prorated share of the original printing costs.
e. Photocopying odd-size documents (such as punchcards or blueprints), or reproducing other records (such as tapes) -- the actual costs of operating the machine, plus the actual cost of the materials used, plus charges for the time spent by the operator, at the rates given in paragraph (a) of this section.
f. Certifying that records are true copies. This service is not required by the FOIA. If we agree to provide it, we will charge $10 per certification.
g. Sending records by express mail, certified mail, or other special methods. This service is not required by the FOIA. If we agree to provide it, we will charge our actual costs.
h. Performing any other special service that you request and we agree to -- actual costs of operating any machinery, plus actual cost of any materials used, plus charges for the time of our employees, at the rates given in paragraph (a) of this section.
Can I inspect a public record in person?
Yes, the District will provide "a reasonable opportunity for inspection and examination of its public records, and shall furnish reasonable facilities for making memoranda or abstracts from its public records during the usual business hours" (8am-4pm on business days). However, the District may make reasonable rules to protect its records and to prevent excessive and unreasonable interference with the discharge of its functions. Please note that in some instances where original documents contain exempt information, the exempt material may be removed and copies made for inspection.
Also, please note that there still may be a fee charged for the cost of searching for and reviewing the original records before the requester can examine them.
What recourse do I have if the response is untimely, the fee is excessive or I am denied information?
If the District fails to respond to an appropriately submitted and recognizable FOIA request within the timelines explained above, the labor costs to produce the documents must be reduced by 5% for each day the response is delayed, up to 50% of the total fee.
If the requester believes that the estimated fee for producing public records exceeds the amount permitted, the requester may appeal to the Board. If the Board fails to timely respond or denies that appeal, the requester may file a lawsuit in state court for reduction of the fee within 45 days.
If the request is denied, in whole or in part, then within 180 days of the District's denial, the requester can either submit a written appeal to the Board or file a lawsuit in state court. The Board typically has 10 business days after receipt of an appeal to respond, but in unusual circumstances, the Board may take an additional 10 business days. Failure to respond is considered a final determination to deny a request. If the requester chooses to appeal to the Board, and the Board either denies or fails to timely respond to the appeal, the requester still can file a lawsuit in state court. The District cannot destroy a document once it has been requested. If the FOIA Officer denies the request, the document must be retained for at least 180 days from the date of the denial letter.